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Treatment Plant 

The New Wastewater Treatment plant.

The firm of Professional Engineering Consultants (PEC) designed the new facility. The cost for the plant construction and engineering services was about $10,000,000. The new facility is an oxidation ditch@ plant. The design flow is 2.68 MGD which doubled previous capabilities. The projected flow coming into the plant is estimated to reach the 2.6 MGD level by the year 2022. Disinfection is accomplished by ultra-violet light. The plant has an odor control system to make it more neighborhood friendly. 

Wastewater Collection
The wastewater collection system includes five lift stations north of the Marais Des Cygnes River and five south of the river. These lift stations are maintained by plant personnel. Wastewater collection division maintains 61 miles of sanitary sewer line. Contractors are hired where depths of sewer is beyond the reach of the City’s backhoes or where time is the overriding factor. In addition to the maintenance, the Division has averaged replacing or upgrading over 650 feet of sewer line each year for the last five years. The Division has also undertaken an Inflow/Infiltration removal program. The program involves cleaning over 40,000 feet of line per year, televising over 15,000 feet per year. The crew has been involved in replacing 96 grade adjustments, and replacing 49 manholes.


Wastewater Rates Resolution

Sanitary Sewer Tap Fees

Water Reclamation Facility


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