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As a reminder, the City of Ottawa is giving notice of the enforcement of Ordinance 4083-21 which was passed in 2021 regarding the removal of Artificial Decorations from the Cemeteries.

Starting Tuesday, March 1st, 2022, City crews will begin removing items left in the cemeteries according to this Ordinance.

If you or a loved one have things you do not want discarded, PLEASE have them removed before this date. Requests will not be accepted to hold or save items by staff, so please be sure to take time to retrieve your property.

Here is a link to the entire Ordinance. If you have any questions, please contact us at 785-229-3653.

7-108. Artificial decorations.

Artificial decorations shall be permitted from November 1st to March 1st. During the mowing season, decoration of grave spaces with cut or artificial flowers may be made only in an urn or vase that is integrated as part of the monument and embedded in a concrete base.

The cemetery will remove and dispose of any and all decorations one week after Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Memorial Day and at such times the cemetery determines necessary in order to mow or otherwise maintain the cemetery.

No glass jars, bottles, tin cans, wires pots or other containers are permitted. One shepherd hook per grave space is allowed and must be mounted on the side of the monument in the grass. Shepard hooks may be mounted in the concrete base as long as they are in a sleeve to allow for easy removal by staff if necessary. Hanging baskets and solar lights are permissible only when hanging on a Shepard hook or when located in the urn or case that is an integrated part of the monument.

Artificial wreaths and boxes will be permitted as a decoration during the non-growing season, (November to March) and on Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Easter and Memorial Day. Decorations set out between March and November (growing season) may be removed by cemetery staff as necessary to perform proper maintenance of the cemetery.

All decorations must be within six inches of the monument between November 1st and March 1st. No physical structures or materials allowed beside the monument, this includes any fencing, edging material, mulch, and gravel. Anything placed outside the six inches will be removed by City Staff.

(Code 1982; Ord. 4083-21; Ord. 4090-21)

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