Updated: Aug 30, 2022
The City of Ottawa is implementing a Sidewalk Improvement Program to encourage residential property owners to maintain existing sidewalks in good repair. In most cases, sidewalks will be considered on a first come/first served basis, however; each application must be approved by the Director of Public Works or the Street Superintendent.
Funding will be established each year through the budget process for the Sidewalk Improvement Program. All projects approved will be funded for the cost of the concrete only and the homeowner will be responsible for all labor and any other material required.
Priority will be given to sidewalks based on the severity of deterioration found at the time of inspection.
Replacement Guidelines/Qualifications:
· Sidewalk has raised panels, making it impassable for persons with disabilities.
· Sidewalk is severely broken or pieces missing.
· Gaps in sidewalk panels.
For more information or to obtain an application, please contact the Public Works Department at City Hall, 101 South Hickory Street, or click on