On January 24, 1867, a city ordinance was published in the
Western Home Journal on page 3, “… establishing a fire
department for the town of Ottawa consisting of a hook,
ladder and bucket company.” This first department was
made up of all volunteers.
On April 24, 1867, the strongest recorded earthquake in
Kansas damaged the new schoolhouse in Ottawa. It was
declared unsafe. The schoolhouse was converted into the
fire station and used in that capacity for over 30 years.
W.H. Hartshorn became the first driver for the Ottawa Fire
Department on March 19, 1872. Hartshorn also became
the first paid firefighter for the OFD.
On December 17, 1930, the first OFD gasoline powered
pumper arrived. The fire engine was an American LaFrance
that could pump 750 gallons of water per minute at 125
pounds of pressure. It cost $12,500. Engine 8 is still owned
by OFD and housed at Fire Station 1.
On March 21, 1973, the City Commission awarded a bid for
$282,220 to Sell Constructors, Inc., to build a new fire
station at 720 West 2nd Street. The total bill was
approximately $350,000. On January 3, 1974, the 14 men
of the Ottawa Fire Department moved into the new station.
Fire Station 1
720 West Second St.
Ottawa, KS 66067
Phone: (785)229-3700
Fax: (785) 229-3705
email: firedept@ottawaks.gov

Fire Station 2
219 East 14th St.
Ottawa, KS 66067
Phone: (785) 229-7300