THE FACTS: Ottawa is located approximately 30 miles southwest of the greater Kansas City area on
Interstate 35. I-35 connects Laredo, Texas to Duluth, Minnesota making this superhighway a prime
mode of transportation for manufacturing and distribution companies located in Ottawa. Because
Ottawa is located next to a major Interstate, Ottawa is extremely attractive to manufacturing and
distribution companies.
OPPORTUNITY: Encouraging economic development is a major focus for the City of Ottawa. As a
result of this focus and Ottawa’s strategic location, manufacturing and distribution are the leading
commerce. For example, major companies such as American Eagle Outfitters, Midwest Cabinets and
Wal-Mart Distribution have recently invested or expanded in the Ottawa area. Land is available along
this major traffic artery, making Ottawa prime for additional growth and development.
· While I-35 is the major transportation outlet for the city, US 59 and Kansas 68 highways also serve the community.
· The Ottawa Airport, owned by the city, is managed by a Fixed Base Operator and serves the community with air transportation.
· The city also provides infrastructure in terms of water, wastewater and electric
· Kansas Gas Service provides natural gas to the community.
Total capacity of the Ottawa system including purchased power and self-generation
is 42.9 MW.
Source of water is Marais des Cygnes River
Production Design of Water Treatment Plant: 5.58 Million gallons per day
Average Production: 1,700,000GL/day
Peak year: 669,839,000GL
Peak Day: 3,804,000GL
Water Reclamation Facility:
System Design Flow: 2.68 MGD
Gallons per year: 350 million of wastewater per year
Ottawa is taking and will continue to take steps to improve the infrastructure of the City to handle future development