Purpose: To encourage residential property owners to maintain existing sidewalks in good repair. In most cases, sidewalks will be considered on a first come/first served basis, however; each application must be approved by the Director of Public Works or the Street Superintendent.
Budget Constraints: Funding will be established each year through the budget process for the Sidewalk Improvement Program. All projects approved will be funded for the cost of the concrete only and the homeowner will be responsible for all labor and any other material required.
Priority of Selection: Priority will be given to sidewalks based on the severity of deterioration found at the time of inspection.
Replacement Guidelines/Qualifications:
Sidewalk has raised panels, making it impassable for persons with disabilities.
Sidewalk is severely broken or pieces missing.
Gaps in sidewalk panels.
1. Property owner must complete a Sidewalk Improvement Program Application.
2. Prior to returning application, project needs to be verified it will be completed by having
estimates established for the material/labor costs. Once it is verified to be a feasible
expense by the Applicant/Contractor, then the application can be submitted.
3. Return completed application for inspection and approval/denial prior to any work
4. Once reviewed, Contractor will be notified.
5. Contractor must have a pre-concrete inspection (form-work) completed prior to concrete
6. Total yards of concrete to be purchased by the City will be approved after inspection.
Approved application must be given to concrete plant for invoicing the concrete to the City
*Concrete delivery tickets must be returned to the Public Works Department
7. Contractor must call for a Final inspection.
Applications can be obtained from:
City Hall
Public Works Department
101 S. Hickory Street
linked document below.
Completed applications can be returned to:
City Hall
Public Works Department
101 S. Hickory Street
Emailed to publicworks@ottawaks.gov