Contact Information:
Director of Public Works-Interim: DJ Welsh
Address: 101 S Hickory-2nd Floor
Ottawa, KS 66067
Phone: (785) 229-3630
Email: dwelsh@ottawaks.gov
Fax: (785) 229-3639
Questions about, or to report problems with, streets (potholes, damage etc.) or signs please call the Streets Division at 785-229-3656 or email publicworks@ottawaks.gov.
The Public Works Department includes six divisions/activities. Streets, Parks, Cemetery, and Fleet Management Divisions are staffed divisions. The Flood Control activity and the Airport activity are funded and managed within the Public Works Department. The Public Works Director is responsible for managing the divisions within the department and the Superintendents/Supervisors and contracted managers of each division oversee day-to-day activity within their respective divisions.
Garbage removal
The City of Ottawa does not provide sanitation services. For questions or complaints about trash pick up or garbage removal please contact your individual sanitation service. If you are new to Ottawa and would like to begin trash pick-up, a list of companies that provide sanitation services can be found in the phone book.
Hazardous Waste
For information and questions regarding Hazardous Waste please contact the Franklin County Hazardous Waste Management.
Contact Information
Phone: 785-229-8470
Link: Franklin County Hazardous Waste Management
Transfer Station
The transfer station is operated by Franklin County.
For questions regarding the landfill please call:
Franklin County Transfer Station 785-242-4612
For information and questions about recycling please contact the Franklin County Recycling and Hazardous Waste Management.
Phone: 785-229-8470
Website for the Franklin County Recycling