Effective immediately. All proof of automobile insurance will need to be presented to the Judge on the day of the individual’s initial arraignment, UNLESS you can provide all of the necessary documentation and then the Court Clerks will be able to dismiss the charges. Court Clerks can only accept proof of insurance in the form of a letter from your agent on insurance company letterhead by email or at the Court window. This letter and all written correspondence regarding the proof of insurance must contain the following: (1)citation number, (2)defendant’s name and phone number, (3)vehicle owner’s name-if different than the driver’s, (4)insurance policy number, and (5)verification from agent that you did have automobile insurance on the date and time of the citation. Email address is: municourt@ottawaks.gov
Under Kansas law if you are issued a citation for failure to provide proof of insurance that citation must be reported to the Kansas Department of Revenue. This submission is required regardless of the disposition of your case in Municipal Court. Even if you provide proof to the clerk or to the court and the charge is dismissed, the citation is reported to the State. Independent of your case in Municipal Court, the Department of Revenue may take action regarding your driving privileges. In that event the State will mail a notice to the last address on file. Kansas law requires you to provide a new address to the Department of Revenue within 10 days of moving. Failure to keep your address information current could result in your missing important notices and could lead to suspension of your driving privileges if you fail to act on the notice. THE IMPORTANCE OF KEEPING YOUR ADDRESS CURRENT CANNOT BE OVERSTATED. You can change your address online at https://www.kdor.org/dl/default.aspx