Processes of planning and zoning assist the city by providing orderly growth, planning, appropriate land use, the preservation of resources for the future, and enforcement of codes.
Services Provided
Zoning Ordinances
Coordinates and manages the Comprehensive Plan
Subdivision of land
Community Involvement
Planning Activities are not only done by staff, but also by volunteers on our planning commission. These are citizens who serve on the board to help make decisions about development in Ottawa.
Community members are welcome to attend Planning Commission meetings, make commentary to share public testimony, or simply view presentations. Public comments are not offered at Planning Commission study sessions that take place the last Thursday of every month.
Planning Commissioners
The Planning Commission is a seven-member group that is appointed by the City Commission and responsible for making recommendations on the regulations: zoning, comprehensive plan, and subdivision. Two of the members reside outside of the city limits to enable planning efforts in growth areas. The Planning Commission reviews all site plans for development and plats for subdivisions as needed. Meetings are held once a month, on the second Wednesday at 7p.m. Study sessions are held on the last Thursday of the month at noon. In addition, they may hold special study sessions as scheduled for review of draft codes.
Board of Zoning Appeals
The Board of Zoning Appeals is a five member group that is appointed by the City Commission and to make decisions on appeals, exceptions, and variances. More...
Relative Links
Land Disturbance Permit Worksheet
Lot Split For Duplexes-Townhomes Procedures and Application
Preliminary PUD Checklist for Developer & Application
Final PUD Checklist for Developer & Application
Land Disturbance Permit Application
Preliminary Plat Checklist for Developer & Application (For more information review Subdivision Regulations Article 6)
Final Plat Checklist for Developer & Application (For more information review Subdivision Regulations Article 6)
Lot Split Procedures & Application (For more information review Subdivision Regulations Article 11)
Site Plan Procedures & Application (For more information review Zoning Ordinance Article 28)
Vacating of Street, Alley, or Easements Procedures & Application (For more information review Subdivision Regulations)
Rezone Procedures & Application (For more information review Zoning Ordinance Article 26)
Development Procedures Policy Manual
Protest Petition Application (For more information review Zoning Ordinance Article 26)
Conditional Use Procedures & Application (For more information review Zoning Ordinance Article 26)
Nonconforming Use Procedures & Application (For more information review Zoning Ordinance Article 21)