Contact Information:
Address: 101 S Hickory-2nd Floor, PO Box 60
Ottawa, KS 66067
Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm
Phone: (785) 229-3620
Inspections: (785) 229-3624
Department Email: communitydevelopment@ottawaks.gov
About Us
If you’ve been looking to remodel your home, thinking of purchasing space for a new business or been
concerned about nuisances in your neighborhood, you’re in the right place! Welcome to the Neighborhood and Community Services department! We assist the city by providing orderly growth, planning, appropriate land use, the preservation of resources for the future, and enforcement of codes.
The Building Maintenance Division oversees the custodial care and maintenance of City Hall and the Police Department. In addition, this division is responsible for maintaining and assisting in the care of other public property, including: The Carnegie Building, the historic City Hall Building, the Don Woodward Recreational Building and the Municipal Auditorium.
To learn more about the services we provide click on the department buttons on the left.
Are you planning construction activities that will disturb at least 1 acre of land?
A Land Disturbance Permit (LDP) is required for any land disturbance of one acre or more per Ottawa’s Municipal Code Chapter 14 Article III. Land disturbance includes any activity that changes the physical conditions of landform, vegetation, and hydrology, creates bare soil, or otherwise may cause erosion or sedimentation. Activities include, but are not limited to: clearing, grading, excavating, removal of vegetation, stripping, grubbing, filling, logging, and storing of materials. Any new development or redevelopment that cumulatively disturbs one acre or more, must also obtain a LDP. Please contact the Stormwater Coordinator at 785-229-3632 or stormwater@ottawaks.gov with your plans before initiating work. The City has provided a guidance document Land Disturbance Permit Worksheet to aid in determining whether a LDP is required. If your activities qualify for a Land Disturbance Permit, please fill out the application below and follow the submittal instructions. Click here to download a pdf version of the LDP application.
Please be aware that Kansas Department of Health & Environment (KDHE) also has requirements for construction activities that will disturb 1 acre or more of land. More information can be found on their website https://www.kdheks.gov/stormwater/#construct