AVIATION EXPLORERS is a community group open to young men and women from 6th grade through age 20 from Ottawa and surrounding cities interested in exploring Aviation! This hands-on program meets twice a month at the Ottawa Airport, combining classroom training with flying lessons and providing other opportunities for youth leadership. Currently with a roster of 25 young people, its members get to experience firsthand what it’s like to be a pilot, aircraft mechanic, flight engineer, or air traffic controller. Find out more by attending any regular meeting with no obligation to join, the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month at the Ottawa Municipal Airport from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Parents welcome as well. Post Advisor Jen Sharp coordinates meetings, guest speakers, adult committees and membership.
This Aviation Career Exploring program is delivered through support from the City of Ottawa, the Heart of America Council, and Dodson International Parts. JR Dodson generously donated an airplane to Post 8000 for the youth to refurbish and learn to fly. Aviation mechanics Robert Bowers and Milton Scott are overseeing the project and Flight Instructor Chad Caylor is overseeing their flight training along with other CFIs from the area.
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