2178 Montana Road
Ottawa, KS 66067
Tuesday - Saturday 8am to 4pm
Closed on Labor Day, Thanksgiving,
Day After Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Day.
The Ottawa Municipal Airport is a general aviation airport facility operated and managed by a Fixed Base Operator (FBO) who is contracted by the City of Ottawa. The Airport FBO is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the grounds, buildings, runway lights, etc. The Airport FBO is also the point of contact for hangar rentals and manages fuel operations.
The Public Works Department assists with operations and maintenance activities at the airport which are beyond the capabilities of the Airport FBO. The airport has undergone major improvements and repairs recently. These include a repaved runway, new hangar, terminal offices, AWOS, new taxiway lights, and a segmented circle and wind cone. Further improvements are programmed as resources permit according to an approved Airport Master Plan. A copy of the Master Plan is available for public review at the link provided on this page and in the references section of the Ottawa Public Library. Airport Board meetings are the First Tuesday of the month at 5:30pm.