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Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.)

The D.A.R.E. program, taught by two Ottawa police officers, is attended by area 5th graders. Participating elementary schools include: Lincoln, Sunflower and Garfield, and Sacred Heart Catholic School. 


D.A.R.E. teaches students to recognize and resist the many direct and subtle pressures that influence them to experiment with alcohol, tobacco, illegal and prescription narcotics. In addition, the program encourages students to resolve disagreements peacefully without resorting to violence. Students graduating from D.A.R.E. are invited to attend the D.A.R.E. Camp the summer following their completion of  5th grade.


D.A.R.E. Camp

D.A.R.E. Camp rewards 5th graders who graduate from D.A.R.E. It is also an opportunity for members of the Ottawa Police Department to interact with students in a positive environment. Several officers, their families, schoolteachers, and volunteers from the community attend this three-day camp each August. This award-winning summer D.A.R.E. camp is considered to be one of the premier camps in the country. 


Registration: Fifth grade students receive an application at school prior to the conclusion of the academic school year. Attendance at the camp is FREE to participants. After the application is completed and returned by parents to the police

department a confirmation letter is mailed along with additional forms, which must be completed before the camp begins. Finally, an information packet will be mailed to parents with details about the camp and a list of items children should bring.



Canoeing, air rifle and archery marksmanship, arts and crafts, team-building games and

swimming. The favorite activity each year is always “fire hose soccer.” 




Because the camp is free to qualifying students it must be financed entirely by

donations from civic organizations, businesses, corporations and individuals. If you

would like to donate resources or funding for this worthwhile cause, please visit or call Chief Weingartner at 785-242-2561 x7400.

The Ottawa Police Foundation is a private non-profit 501(c)3 organization and

donations are tax-deductible.


Go to if you would like to donate to the worthy cause. Contact Community Services Officer Larabe Alexander if you would like to participate in some other way.


DARE camp
Dare Camp at target practice


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