What is a Comprehensive Plan?
A Comprehensive Plan is a guiding document that shows the community where we are, and where we would like to be in the future. The plan provides visions and goals along with recommendations and a framework to implement the document to make those visions and goals a reality. It is used by the city government and Commissions to help guide decision making in a wide variety of ways, including zoning, infrastructure, parks and recreation, and more. Ottawa’s current Comprehensive Plan was last updated and adopted in 2004.
Why are we updating the Plan?
The Ottawa Comprehensive Plan was last thoroughly updated in 2004. A Comprehensive Plan should show the community’s vision and goals for the future and how to get there from where they are now. Updating the Plan allows us to review what has worked over the past twenty years, what has not, and where we can improve or expand on our goals to ensure a strong and vibrant Ottawa. Over the next year, the City will thoroughly review and revise the Comprehensive Plan to create a document that reflects the current goals and vision for Ottawa that can be used by the Community for the next twenty years.
How can I get involved?
There are several ways to get involved with the Comprehensive Plan Update:
Complete our updated Goals Survey.
Thank you to those who attended our information sessions earlier this summer, we appreciate your participation and input! Future information on engagement sessions will be updated on this page and through the City’s social media accounts.
Reach out for more information – We want to hear from you. If you are not able to make a session listed, or would like to talk more about the Plan, please reach out!
Zack Martin, City Planner
Neighborhood and Community Services
City of Ottawa
101 S Hickory, 2nd Floor
Additional Documents
City of Ottawa Comprehensive Plan 2004
City of Ottawa Zoning Regulations
City of Ottawa Future Land Use Map (Adopted)